Thursday, 29 June 2017
Flookburgh Primary School
This morning Sarah and I did our last assembly of the school year at Flookburgh School. We did our Jonah drama, which the children really enjoyed particularly as there was a repeating phrase that kept coming out every time Sarah mentioned Nineveh I would say Nineveh have you heard about the stories about that place they're not good ones I can tell you - the children found this very funny. After the drama Sarah talked a little about how we are all on a journey in life and we are all moving on, and in school we move up a year and year 6 leave to go to secondary school. She encouraged them with the words from Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go. We then introduced My Lighthouse to them before Sarah closed with a prayer.
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Broughton School
This morning Sarah and I were at Broughton School for the last visit of this school year and Vic and Emily joined us for the transition lesson and assembly. The lesson helps those in year 6 as they move on to secondary school. The assembly with the whole school was about Jonah, we told the story with a drama sketch. There was a repeating line about Nineveh which made the children laugh quite a bit. After the drama we talked about God being with us wherever we are and used Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go to encourage the children. We than sang My Lighthouse and Sarah closed with a prayer.
St Peters
This morning Sarah and I went to St Peters for the assembly. We started by singing God Can Do Anything. Then Sarah asked if anyone had ever lost anything. A few children mentioned things they had lost and Sarah told them about things our children had lost like teddy bears left in hotels etc (he was posted back). She asked how they felt when they discovered they had lost something. The children gave different reactions, Sarah recalled a time when one of our children got lost in a shop and how that made her feel - she lost her peace of mind as she frantically looked for her. When we do lose things that are important to us we can become uneasy and not be at peace because of it. I then retold the story of the lost coin displaying pictures as I did, I paused a few times to explain things and ask how the lady was feeling, then when she did find it how she rejoiced and throw a party. Sarah had said that I was going to tell them a story which was one Jesus told and we call them parables she explained what a parable is. When I had finished the story I then explained that it was a nice story and we could just leave it there but when we look at the heavenly side of the story it tells us how much God loves those that decide to follow him as they are no longer lost (like the coin) but found. To finish Sarah introduced them to My Lighthouse and some of the words that say 'you are my peace in a troubled sea' After the song Sarah closed with a prayer.
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Low Furness School
This morning I did the assembly at Low Furness School. The theme was Peace and Parables, so after singing God can do Anything I asked the children if they had ever lost anything. I got a few answers back from the children like, necklaces, animals, teeth! I asked them how they felt losing something special like their teddy bear - I talked about the time Grace left her teddy in a hotel room and how she felt (they posted it back to us) I said that sometimes when we lose something special we are upset and if it really is important and we are frantically looking for it we are not at peace. I then told the story of the Lost Coin having explained that Jesus used parables to talk to people (I also explained what a parable is) as I told the story I displayed pictures on the screen and paused a few times to ask the children how the lady might have felt. I then explained that it was a nice earthly story but it had another meaning too which was that God delights in people when they decide to follow him, that being the heavenly meaning behind the story. Next we sang My Lighthouse which has the line you are my peace in the trouble sea. I then did a plug for holiday club before saying a prayer.
Monday, 26 June 2017
Haverigg Primary School
This afternoon we helped out at Haverigg Primary School with a transition assembly and lesson for year 6. We did the usual drama about Jonah followed by the song My Lighthouse. Then we went into the lesson.
Church Walk Primary School
This morning Sarah and I went to Church Walk Primary School for our last assembly of the school year. To start off we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord. Sarah then displayed a series of pictures which were super heroes like Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and Joe Smith. Wait a minute! Joe Smith? Who is he and what does he do? It was at this point that I got a phone call from - God - who told me all about the special ability that Joe Smith has and we can read all about it in 1 Corinthians 13 -love. The phone call ended. In stead of reading the passage Sarah gave the children examples of what love is and isn't and I read the bit from 1 Corinthians 13, she also got the children to put their hand up if they thought it showed love. After this we sang Shine as Sarah had linked it in to the song. Then we closed with a prayer.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Leven Valley School
This morning Sarah and I did our last assembly of the school year at Leven Valley School. We did the drama about Jonah that we have been doing for the transition assemblies. We enlisted a couple of children to play the parts of Jonah and the king/queen of Nineveh. The children thought the repeating line about Nineveh was funny - each time Sarah mentioned Nineveh I would reply - Nineveh have you heard the stories about that place they're not good ones I can tell you - I did it in a west country accent while pretending to be a sea captain. After the drama Sarah pulled a few points out from it and talked about people moving on like the children in the school will move up a year and year 6 leave to go to high school. The link with Jonah is that he had heard about Nineveh and didn't like what he heard but was asked to go, and when he ran away God was with him, and when he was in the sea God was still there with him, God was even there when God was in the belly of the fish (God sent the fish after all) We used a verse from Joshua 1:8 to encourage the children - Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go. After this we sang Wonderful Lord as it talks about God looking over us and protecting us. During the song I said a short prayer.
Our Lady's School
This morning Sarah and I did our last assembly of the school year at Our Lady's School in Dalton. We did the drama about Jonah that we have been doing for the transition assemblies. We enlisted a couple of children to play the parts of Jonah and the king/queen of Nineveh. The children thought the repeating line about Nineveh was funny - each time Sarah mentioned Nineveh I would reply - Nineveh have you heard the stories about that place they're not good ones I can tell you - I did it in a west country accent while pretending to be a sea captain. After the drama Sarah pulled a few points out from it and talked about people moving on like the children in the school will move up a year and year 6 leave to go to high school. The link with Jonah is that he had heard about Nineveh and didn't like what he heard but was asked to go, and when he ran away God was with him, and when he was in the sea God was still there with him, God was even there when God was in the belly of the fish (God sent the fish after all) We used a verse from Joshua 1:8 to encourage the children - Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go. After this we sang Wonderful Lord as it talks about God looking over us and protecting us. During the song I said a short prayer.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Pennington School
This afternoon we have been at Pennington School doing our transition assembly and lesson with the year 6 children. We did the usual drama about Jonah to start with then Sarah summed up at the end, we then sang My Lighthouse before Lisa closed with a prayer. Then Emily, Lisa, Sarah and myself went and worked with the year 6 children helping and encouraging them as they prepare to make the move to secondary school.
Lindale School
This morning Sarah and I did our last assembly of the school year at Lindale school. We started with a drama about Jonah, before we started we asked two children to help us in the story one to be Jonah and someone to be the king/queen. Sarah narrated the drama while I directed the children as to where they should go, I also played the part of a sea captain and had a repeating line; whenever Sarah mentioned Nineveh I would reply Nineveh! Have you heard the stories about that place they're not good I can tell you. After a few repeats the children laughed each time they heard Nineveh as they knew what was coming. To finish off Sarah talked about moving on and encouraged the children with a verse from Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go. Then we sang the chicken dance song which was a first for the children at the school. I then closed with a prayer.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Croftlands Infant School
This morning Sarah and I did our last assembly of this school year at Croftlands Infant School. We did a short drama about Jonah which we used to help the children think about their moves up the school and for the year 2 children as they move to a junior school. We needed two children to help us tell the story one to play Jonah and one to play the part of the King of Nineveh. Sarah narrated the story and I played the part of the sea captain of the boat Jonah used. I had a repeating line to say every time Sarah mentioned Nineveh I would respond Nineveh! have you hear the stories about that place they're not good I can tell you - which caused the children to laugh. After the drama we sang God's love is Bigger than a Burger before Sarah close with a prayer.
Monday, 19 June 2017
Croftlands Junior School
Today we did our transition assembly and lesson at Croftlands Junior School. It was the last assembly we will do with the year 6 children as well. We did the usual drama this year it was about Jonah followed by singing My Lighthouse after the assembly we worked alongside the team to deliver a lesson that will help the year 6 as they move on to their secondary school.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Burlington School
This morning we did our transition assembly and then lesson at Burlington school. To start off we did a drama about Jonah and how he didn't want to go to Nineveh. We had a repeating line that kept coming out every time the narrator said the word Nineveh. Nineveh! Have you heard the stories about that place they're not good I can tell you... After a while the children caught on to this which added fun to the drama. In the assembly we sang My Lighthouse to finish it off then closed with a prayer. The idea was to talk about the children moving on to new classes, new teachers and even new schools. After the assembly we worked with the year 6 children offering them some encouragement and tips ready for their move to secondary school.
St Peters School
This morning Sarah and I were at St Peters school for the assembly. We started with a drama about Jonah and how he didn't want to go to Nineveh. We got a couple of the children to play a part in it too. We had a repeating line that kept coming out every time the narrator said the word Nineveh. Nineveh! Have you heard the stories about that place they're not good I can tell you... After a while the children caught on to this which added fun to the drama. In the assembly we sang My Lighthouse to finish it off then closed with a prayer. The idea was to talk about the children moving on to new classes, new teachers and even new schools.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Crosthwaite School
This afternoon Sarah and I went over to Crosthwaite School for the assembly. We did the story of Jonah as a drama and got one of the boys to help us act it out. Jonah heard from God and ran in the opposite direction, we had a repeating line which was said ever time the narrator said the word Nineveh. Nineveh! Have you heard the stories about that place they're not good I can tell you... After a while the children caught on to this which added fun to the drama. In the assembly we sang My Lighthouse to finish it off then closed with a prayer.
Low Furness School
This morning we did our transition assembly and lesson at Low Furness School. The assembly had a short drama about Jonah who heard from God and ran in the opposite direction, we had a repeating line which was said ever time the narrator said the word Nineveh. Nineveh! Have you heard the stories about that place they're not good I can tell you... After a while the children caught on to this which added fun to the drama. In the assembly we sang My Lighthouse to finish it off then closed with a prayer. After a short break we took the year 6 children for a lesson and looked at some of the big questions and issue that face children and young people as they move into secondary school.
Monday, 12 June 2017
Pennington School
This afternoon Sarah and I went to Pennington School for the assembly. We started with So Many Ways to Praise the Lord. Then Sarah spoke to the children as pictures of super hero's appeared on the screen, she talked about their special power or gadgets. The last picture was of Joe Smith, at which point I chipped in asking who he was and what special power he had - just then my phone rang (it was on silent) and it was God who told me to look up 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 which will explain Joe's special power. It was all about love, then as Sarah read out some statements of things people might say I displayed something about love from the bible passage. To close off the assembly we sang Shine and I finished with a prayer.
Newton Primary School
This morning Sarah and I went to take the assembly at Newton Primary School. It seems like ages since we were last at the school (before Easter), it was great to see all the children again. We started with So Many Ways to Praise the Lord which was a new one for the children. After the song I told the story of Ruth and about how she showed so much love and kindness towards Naomi. Sarah talked about ways the children can show loving kindness to each other and when we do we can Shine from the inside out. After singing our second song Sarah finished the assembly with a short prayer.
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Church Walk Primary School
This morning Sarah and I were at Church Walk School for the first of the transition assemblies and lessons, we were joined by Vic, Emily, Saga, Thomas and Lisa. The theme this year was on Jonah, so after a short drama about Jonah we sang My Lighthouse. Then the year 6 children stayed behind as we talked to them about moving up to secondary school. We had an altogether time first as the children watched a short video which looked at some of the big questions children face as they move. The children then split into groups and they went off and looked at other issues regarding moving to a new school. They rotated round three different stations during the lesson.
Monday, 5 June 2017
Pentecost Experience Church Walk
This morning Sarah and I helped out a team of people from the Parish Church Ulverston put on an experience about Pentecost for the children of Church Walk School. The children came in and heard a little of the Pentecost story before moving round 6 different stations where they heard a little more about it. They then came back together for a final talk and question session before going back to school. Sarah and I had a great time as we connected with the children and were amazed at the depth of feelings they expressed in some of the activities they were involved in.
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