Thursday, 29 June 2017

Flookburgh Primary School

This morning Sarah and I did our last assembly of the school year at Flookburgh School.  We did our Jonah drama, which the children really enjoyed particularly as there was a repeating phrase that kept coming out every time Sarah mentioned Nineveh I would say Nineveh have you heard about the stories about that place they're not good ones I can tell you - the children found this very funny.  After the drama Sarah talked a little about how we are all on a journey in life and we are all moving on, and in school we move up a year and year 6 leave to go to secondary school.  She encouraged them with the words from Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go.  We then introduced My Lighthouse to them before Sarah closed with a prayer.

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