Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Broughton School

This morning I went over to Broughton School to do the assembly.  As is was before Easter when I last visited I asked the children if they had enjoyed the Easter holidays and then the long Easter weekend.  This led me to ask if they had eaten chocolate before breakfast on Easter Sunday.  To remind us what Easter is about and to link with my story we sang Inright Outright to start with, then I did a quick recap of the events of Easter moving towards the afternoon and evening of Easter day.  Two people, followers of Jesus were on their way home I said when they were joined by Jesus except they didn't realise it was him - to explain this I used some blurry images of celebs and asked the children to guess who they were.  Jesus asked why they were sad, they asked him where he'd been all weekend (or something like that) and why he hadn't seen or heard what had happened to their friend Jesus.  I continued by explaining that Jesus explained the events using the scriptures from hundreds of years before he was even born or the Old Testament as we know it.  I told the children they still didn't see Jesus, then as they got near to their house Jesus went on as if to go further but they invited him in for a bite to eat and as he broke the bread in front of them WOW! it's Jesus they shouted.  Then they hot footed it back to Jerusalem to tell the others they had seen Jesus.  The point I wanted to bring out was that when Jesus did something - brake the bread - they saw him.  So I asked what we could do to show Jesus and his love, the children suggested a number of things like getting people involved in a game, sharing things, being kind, helping people by opening doors etc.  I said that when we do these things we Shine from the inside out - cue for a song. after the song I finished with a prayer.

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