Thursday, 2 May 2019

Coniston Primary School

This morning we have been up to Coniston Primary School to do the assembly.  To start off Sarah asked if they had had a good Easter holidays and if they had eaten chocolate for breakfast on Easter Sunday - this was to link in with the theme of our assembly. As a reminder of the events from Easter we sang Inright Outright before I did a quick recap of the story.  When I got to the Sunday and the empty tomb I carried on to say what happened later on that day when two of the followers of Jesus were on their way home to Emmaus and Jesus joined them - except they didn't realise it was him - to demonstrate this point I had three pictures of celebs with their faces a bit blurred out and asked if they could tell me who they were. Continuing with the story I told them how Jesus explained why what happened had happened and then later when they arrived at their village they asked Jesus in to eat with them. It was when Jesus broke the break in front of them that they realised it was him, they hot footed back to tell the others in Jerusalem.  I made the point that when Jesus did something they saw him and asked what we could do that would show Jesus. Sarah then took over and drew out some suggestions from the children as to what things they might do to show love, kindness etc. This, Sarah continued is Shinning Jesus out from the inside - cue song.  After the song Sarah finished with a prayer.

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