Wednesday, 27 November 2019

St Pauls School

This afternoon Sarah and I went to do the assembly at St Pauls School in Barrow.  Their Christian value for this half term is hope and it fitted in very well with the story I was going to tell.  Sarah started the assembly by asking the children if they had friends - loads of hands went up.  In introducing the story to the children she explained that sometimes we read about stories Jesus told- which she asked if anyone knew what they what were called - parables came the answer and other times we have stories were Jesus does something today's story was one of them and it had four friends in it.  I then told the children the story of the man that Jesus healed in Mark 2:1-12.  The man was lame so couldn't walk so four friends carried him to Jesus - thinking about him he had no hope of ever doing anything because in the time of Jesus people like that had to beg for food and things.  The friends took him to the house and cut a hole in the roof and lowered him down to the feet of Jesus.  When Jesus saw him he healed him and the man got up and ran down the street his hope was restored.  To tell the story I used my square to cross prop and turned and bent it into various shapes for the different parts of the story.  Sarah then asked the children what makes a good friend and she expanded and explained whatever the children told her as she finished off the explanation she link into the song Shine.  After the song Sarah finished the assembly with a prayer.

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