Friday, 31 January 2020
OT Mini 4 St Paul's School
This afternoon at St Paul's with the year 5 and 6 children doing OT Mini lesson 4. So we have had United Kingdom, Divided Kingdom, three united kings and a whole bunch of others that ignored God. Next week we round off the Old Testament with the exile of the two kingdoms, the return from exile and a young Jewish girl who saves her people...
Thursday, 30 January 2020
Coniston Primary School
This morning I travelled over to Coniston Primary School for the assembly. It really was great to see all the children and staff again. I started first by asking about Christmas and New Year and if the children had been to any parties or if they had had family get togethers. Then we sang Be Happy and afterwards I told the parable of the Lost Son or the Wild Son who Returned (as the visual aids called it) I pointed out to the children that Jesus often used parables to teach people and he used them to tell us what God is like, what Heaven is like and how we can get there. I explained that in the story today the son is a bit like us - people that do things wrong and the dad is like God - forgives us when we do wrong (when we say sorry that is) I further explained that Jesus came to earth to show us how we can be forgiven for what we do wrong and also that we should forgive people that do wrong to us. We finished with God Can Do Anything as it says that nothing is too big for him and nothing is too small like the wrongs we do. I finished with a prayer.
Wednesday, 29 January 2020
St Paul's School Barrow
This afternoon Sarah and I have been to do the assembly at St Paul's School in Barrow. Sarah started the assembly by saying how great it was to see the children after such a long time. She then introduced the first song Be Happy by asking who was happy. After the song I told the story of the Lost son or the Wild Son who Returned as the visual aid pictures I used called it, Sarah introduced it first by talking about parables and what they are. As I told the story I focused in on the dad forgiving the son for what he had done and pointed out that Jesus came into the world so tell us and show us how to get to Heaven and forgiveness is a BIG part of that. Saying sorry to God for what we have done as well as forgiving those that have done wrong to us. Sarah concluded by talking about the Lord's Prayer and saying that with God nothing is impossible and God can do anything - so no matter how big or small the wrong is we have done God will forgive us we just need to say sorry. There was a hint here at our second song God Can Do Anything. After the song Sarah finished with a prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer. Then as it was a special day - a relaxed day as about 50 children were away at Young Voices and the rest of the children had been doing fun things all day - we introduced them to the ….. Chicken Dance!!!!!!
Lindale School
This morning Sarah and I went down to Lindale School for the assembly. To start with we sang Be Happy then I told the story of the Wild Son who Returned - or as most people know it the parable of the Lost Son. Sarah did remind the children what a parable is. I used some pictures displayed on the screen to help tell the story. I focused on the that that the da forgave the son for what he had done. I then reminded the children why Jesus came to earth in the first place which was to teach us about God, Heaven and what we need to do to get to heaven. I pointed out that the son in the parable is like us who do things wrong and the dad is like God who forgives us the things we do wrong we just need to say sorry. But we also need to forgive people that do wrong to us. Sarah concluded by reminding the children what the Lord's Prayer says about forgiveness. She then introduced the next song which was God can do anything. After the song she finished with a prayer.
Monday, 27 January 2020
Pennington School
This afternoon I went to Pennington School, it was my first visit of this year, so to start the assembly I asked everyone if they had had a good Christmas and New Year and if they stayed up late on New Years Eve - this was to link with the story I had for today. To get us going we sang Be Happy, I then told the story of the Lost Son. I made the theme about forgiveness and focused in on the dad who forgave his son for the wrongs he had done - in the same way God forgives us. I explained that this was why Jesus came - to teach us about God, Heaven and how we can get there. As well as forgiveness for our wrongs we must also forgive others that wrong us. To finish with we sang God can do anything and I explained that do sin/wrong doing is too big or too small. After the song I said a short prayer.
Newton Primary School
This morning I went to do the assembly at Newton Primary School. I got such a warm welcome from the children as I arrived - it does seem like ages since I was last there. I started the assembly by asking them about Christmas and New Year and if they had had any parties (link to story later). Our first song we sang was Be Happy then I told the story of the Lost Son using some pictures as I did so. When the son and dad had been reunited I explained that Jesus came to earth as a baby but when he grew up he started to tell us about God and Heaven and how we can get there. This story is all about that and the dad is like God. We all do stuff wrong and we should ask for forgiveness and I turn we should forgive people that do wrong to us. God will forgive us when we ask but it all starts with us saying sorry. To finish off we sang God can do anything as not matter how big or how small the wrong things we do are God can forgive them all. I then closed with a short prayer.
Friday, 24 January 2020
OT Mini 3 St Paul's School
This afternoon I have been at St Paul's School in Barrow working with the year 5 and then the year 6 children doing OT Mini. It was lesson 3 today and so we looked at the stories about Joshua as he led the people in to the land promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Following on we then did a quick tour through the book of Judges were we looked at 3 judges - Deborah, Gideon and then Samson. To round off the lesson we covered the story of Ruth which sets us up nicely for the lesson next week when we look at the role of the first kings.
Thursday, 23 January 2020
Flookburgh School
This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Flookburgh School, it was our first visit since before Christmas - it was lovely to see all the children and staff again. Sarah started by talking about Christmas and asked if everyone had had a good one and then asked who went to or had any parties over the Christmas time - this was to link in with the story later. So after singing Be Happy I retold the story of the Lost Son except on the slide pictures I had it was called the Wild Son Who Returned. The theme for the assembly was on forgiveness so I focused on the dad forgiving the son for spending all the money and pointed out that Jesus came to earth to show us how to get to heaven. As the dad forgave the son so God forgives us the wrong we do - we need to say sorry. But it also is the case that we need to forgive others that have done wrong to us. Sarah concluded by talking about the words in the Lords Prayer, and that God is so great that he can do anything, anything at all. After singing God Can Do Anything Sarah finished with a prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer.
Wednesday, 22 January 2020
Croftlands Junior School
This morning Sarah and I went to do our first assembly of the New Year at Croftlands Junior School. Start started by asking about Christmas and talking about New Year and parties (as that played a part in our story today). I then told the story of the lost son except it was called the wild son who returned. To help with the story I used pictures as the story was told. When the son came to his senses having looked at the pig food, I focused on the reaction of the dad who forgave him for what he had done. It was forgiveness that I wanted to talk about with the children pointing out or reminding them that Jesus came to earth as a baby (that is what Christmas is all about) when he grew up and started his work he told people what God was like, what heaven is like and how we can get to heaven - it starts with saying sorry to God for the wrong we have done and God will forgive us. In the same way we need to forgive those people that do wrong to us. Sarah concluded the assembly by referring to the Lord's Prayer which says 'forgive us for what we have done wrong as we forgive others' We then sang God Can Do Anything Sarah then closed with a prayer.
Tuesday, 21 January 2020
Croftlands Infant School
This morning I went along to Croftlands Infant School to do the assembly. It was the first one of this New Year - it was lovely to see all the children again. We started with Be Happy then I told them the story of the boy who asked his dad for money then went off and spent it all. I used pictures to tell the story and at the end the boy returned home and his father forgave him for what he had done. I explained that it was a story that Jesus told and that the dad is like God in that he forgives us the wrong things we do and so we should also forgive people that do wrong to us. That was why Jesus came to earth as a baby grew up into a man and told us such great stories. To finish with we sang Great Big God then I said a short prayer.
Friday, 17 January 2020
OT Mini 2 St Paul's School
This afternoon I had the great pleasure of being with the year 5 then year 6 children from St Paul's School in Barrow doing OT Mini. It was lesson 2 therefore we were looking at some of the stories connected with Moses. We heard about his birth and upbringing then on into adult life and forty years as a shepherd before his major encounter with God. We then looked at the children of Israel's release from Egyptian slavery and the journey into the promise land except they didn't quiet make it thanks to the 10 spies that told false accounts of what the land was like. Then we heard forty years later they return and we left them on the border ready for their first entry into the promised land. Along our journey today we also heard about the giving of the law, the creation of the Tabernacle and the role of the priests, as well as the counting of the people, the forty years of wilderness wandering and the second counting and giving of the law. Next week we look at the exploits of Joshua as he takes the lead into the land promised to them.
Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Burlington School
This morning Sarah and I went over to Burlington School for the assembly. It was great to see the children again after what seems such a long time. Sarah open the assembly up by asking if the children had had a good Christmas and New Year and asking if anyone had been to a party during the Christmas holidays - hands went up - this was to link in with our story today. We started by singing Be Happy before I told the story of the Wild Son who Returned Home - or the Lost Son. I used various pictures to help me as I told the story and explained that when all the young sons money was gone so did his friends. I linked it back to Christmas or whenever we have a party there is great excitement and you are on a real high but once it is finish we can sometimes sink down low. As the story goes on the son started to feed some pigs and even considered eating their food - but he decided to go home. Meanwhile back at home his dad is waiting for him and the speech the son had prepared didn't matter as his dad forgave him for what he had done. I reminded the children why Jesus came in the first place - to tell us more about God and Heaven and about how we should live our lives so that we might also go to Heaven one day. As the dad forgave the son so God forgives us for the wrongs we do, we just need to say sorry but also we need to forgive those who have done wrong to us. Sarah summed up what I was saying and pointed out the words in the Lords Prayer about forgiveness. We then sang God Can Do Anything as it says nothing is too big or too small like the things we do wrong being forgiven. After the song she finished with a prayer followed by the Lords Prayer.
Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Crosthwaite Primary School
This afternoon Sarah and I travelled over to Crosthwaite Primary School for the assembly. It seems ages since we last saw the children, so to start off Sarah asked if they had had a good Christmas and New Year and if they had been to many parties (this was a link to something later). We started with Be Happy and afterwards I told the story of the lost son using some visual images on the screen when the son partied the money away I talked about the high and buzz you get at a party then the low and sometimes empty feeling afterwards. I linked this to parties at Christmas and New Year celebrations. Well the young son had a big low as all the money was gone and he was left with nothing except a job feeding pigs. Deciding to go home his dad was waiting for him and welcomed him with open arms, the little speech he had prepared didn't matter his father forgave him. Talking more on forgiveness I reminded the children that is what Jesus came to earth to do and through his teaching he taught us what God is like, what heaven is like and how we can get there and it starts by saying sorry for the wrong we have done and God forgiving us. However we need to also forgive those that have wronged us. To lead into the song God can Do anything Sarah said a bit more about forgiveness. After the song Sarah said a short prayer before we all said the Lord's prayer.
Low Furness School
This morning Sarah and I went to do the first assembly of the new year at Low Furness School, it was great to see all the children again after the Christmas break. Sarah started by asking if the children had had a good Christmas and if they had been to many parties (this was a link to part of the story of today). We then sang Be Happy and afterwards I told the story of the lost son or as the visuals said the wild son that returned. Using various visual aids on the screen I went through the story and when the young son wasted the dad's money on parties and things I paused and talked about the high and the buzz we get whenever we party or celebrate but then comes the low as everyone leaves. The young son felt this and some as now all his money was gone. While feeding the pigs to earn a few pennies he came to a decision that he would go home and ask his dad for a job. Well all the time the boy had been away the dad was waiting for him and the son couldn't get his words out as his dad hugged him and welcomed him home and forgave him for what he had done. I reminded the children that Jesus came to earth as a baby and grew to a man and taught us great things mainly about God and how we can get back to God by saying sorry and forgiven for what we have done, what we are doing and what we will do - like the dad in the story. But it works both ways we also need to forgive anyone that has done wrong to us. Sarah drew the assembly to a close before introducing the song God can do Anything as it says nothing is too big or too small just like the things we do wrong. After the song we said the Lords Prayer together and Sarah finished off with a prayer.
Monday, 13 January 2020
Penny Bridge Academy
This afternoon I went to do the assembly at Penny Bridge. It was my first visit of 2020 so after saying that I hoped they had had a good Christmas and New Year and if they had been to any parties (link to story later) over Christmas and things I told the story of the lost son. I used some pictures to help with the story and pretended to party when the younger son went off and spent his fathers money. When he was considering eating the pig food I said it would be like eating the school dinner leftovers - the baked beans, mixed in with cake and custard. Back home the father was waiting and welcomed his son back who was forgiven by the father and the son said sorry. I reminded the children why we have Christmas and that Jesus came to tell us more about God and how we can go to heaven. I also reminded them that Jesus died for us too which is something that they will be looking at later on this term as we get near to Easter. God forgives us the things we do wrong, have done wrong and will do wrong we just have to say sorry but in turn we should also forgive anyone who does wrong to us - I gave a few examples. To round it all off we sang God can do Anything as nothing is too big for him and nothing is to small so when we think about stuff we have done he is able to forgive us those wrong things. After the song I said a prayer.
Church Walk Primary School
This morning I was at Church Walk Primary School for our first assembly of 2020. It was great to see the children and staff again after the Christmas holidays although it does seem so far away now. I started with Be Happy then I told the story of the lost son, as I told the story I displayed pictures of the various parts of it. I stopped the story when the young son came home and was forgiven by his father for what he had done - forgiveness was the theme for the assembly. I explained that at Christmas time we celebrate the birth of Jesus and as he grew up and started to tell stories and teach people he was showing us how we can get to heaven and about how we can be forgiven for the wrong things we have done or do or continue doing. To finish off we sang God can do Anything and I linked this to forgiving us the wrongs we have done but we too must forgive those that wrong us as well. I then closed with a prayer.
Friday, 10 January 2020
OT Mini 1 St Paul's School
This afternoon I was at St Paul's School Barrow working firstly with the year 5 children then the year 6 doing OT Mini. We covered the story of creation, Adam and Eve covering the fall. Then on to Noah and the flood. Then onto the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and finally finishing off with Joseph. Hundreds of years of history, covering the beginnings of the Jewish people - God's chosen people. The children in both classes were great they got involved with the hand signs as well as the play acting of key characters within the stories. Next week on into Exodus and Moses.
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