Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Crosthwaite Primary School

This afternoon Sarah and I travelled over to Crosthwaite Primary School for the assembly.  It seems ages since we last saw the children, so to start off Sarah asked if they had had a good Christmas and New Year and if they had been to many parties (this was a link to something later).  We started with Be Happy and afterwards I told the story of the lost son using some visual images on the screen when the son partied the money away I talked about the high and buzz you get at a party then the low and sometimes empty feeling afterwards.  I linked this to parties at Christmas and New Year celebrations.  Well the young son had a big low as all the money was gone and he was left with nothing except a job feeding pigs.  Deciding to go home his dad was waiting for him and welcomed him with open arms, the little speech he had prepared didn't matter his father forgave him.  Talking more on forgiveness I reminded the children that is what Jesus came to earth to do and through his teaching he taught us what God is like, what heaven is like and how we can get there and  it starts by saying sorry for  the wrong we have done and God forgiving us.  However we need to also forgive those that have wronged us.  To lead into the song God can Do anything Sarah said a bit more about forgiveness.  After the song Sarah said a short prayer before we all said the Lord's prayer.

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