Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the first assembly of the new year at Low Furness School, it was great to see all the children again after the Christmas break.  Sarah started by asking if the children had had a good Christmas and if they had been to many parties (this was a link to part of the story of today).  We then sang Be Happy and afterwards I told the story of the lost son or as the visuals said the wild son that returned.  Using various visual aids on the screen I went through the story and when the young son wasted the dad's money on parties and things I paused and talked about the high and the buzz we get whenever we party or celebrate but then comes the low as everyone leaves.  The young son felt this and some as now all his money was gone.  While feeding the pigs to earn a few pennies he came to a decision that he would go home and ask his dad for a job.  Well all the time the boy had been away the dad was waiting for him and the son couldn't get his words out as his dad hugged him and welcomed him home and forgave him for what he had done.  I reminded the children that Jesus came to earth as a baby and grew to a man and taught us great things mainly about God and how we can get back to God by saying sorry and forgiven for what we have done, what we are doing and what we will do - like the dad in the story.  But it works both ways we also need to forgive anyone that has done wrong to us.  Sarah drew the assembly to a close before introducing the song God can do Anything as it says nothing is too big or too small just like the things we do wrong.  After the song we said the Lords Prayer together and Sarah finished off with a prayer.

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