Monday 10 March 2014

Penny Bridge School

This afternoon Sarah and I went to do an assembly at Penny Bridge School.  We decided to talk about our community and how we can have an impact upon it.  So to start we showed some pictures of Ulverston following the events that go on here.  Then we displayed some flood pictures from the recent news reports.  Finally we displayed pictures of the troubles in the Ukraine.  Sarah started to ask questions about what the children had seen asking what can we do about it.  This led to me reading from Mark 4:30-32 which is the mustard seed passage.  I then explained that Jesus wasn't talking about gardening when he told this story but about how we can do something quite small that can then have a big impact on the lives of other people.  Sarah reminded the children that they had done something small in sending shoe boxes before Christmas which funnily enough went to the children of the Ukraine!  The mustard seed being the smallest seed grows into the biggest garden plant.  Jesus was one man who told us about God and 2000 years later millions of people follow him and in turn tell others about God.  To conclude we sang Shine from the inside out.

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