Monday 2 March 2020

Church Walk Primary School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Church Walk Primary School.  It was great to see all the children and staff again.  As Sarah and I won't be seeing the children now until after Easter we did an assembly about part of the Easter story to be continued.... after Easter.  After singing Inright Outright Sarah introduced the idea of being brave as our Bible story was about Brave Peter who ran away from Jesus after he was arrested and then denied that he knew him 3 times (not so brave!)  We used the Lost Sheep visuals to tell the story which was called Peter and the Rooster.  There was more than just a rooster though as the story had chickens as well (and that wasn't just Peter!).  After the story Sarah summed up by asking the children what they thought Peter's emotions would have been during the story which generated a number of suggestions.  She pointed out that Peter hadn't been honest to either himself or Jesus when he denied knowing who he was.  The story will be concluded with Breakfast on the Beach after Easter.  To finish we sang Shine then I closed with a prayer. 

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