Thursday 12 March 2020

Flookburgh School

This morning I travelled down to Flookburgh School for the assembly.  I started by asking the children if they were brave - hands went up, I then asked if they were brave all the time - more hands went up!  Finally I asked if they were brave just some of the time this time I put my hand up and explained that I did something last week which was a little scary.  This I continued was linking in with the story I had prepared which is part of the Easter story but first we were going to sing Inright Outright as it reminds us that Jesus cared for us when he died.  After the song I ask if they thought chickens were brave as they played a part in the story - I also said the story had a bit of a long intro.  So I started with the intro and finally got to the story of Peter and the Rooster from the Lost Sheep Series.  As the pictures displayed and as I told the story the children laughed and also sat quietly as the story came to a sad end... I had previously explained that the story was a two part story with part one now and part two after Easter.  Once the story was finished I asked the children how they thought Peter felt during the story - with a little prompting we got sad, angry, up set etc.  I then talked about how he let his friend Jesus down and how we should look out of people as we go about our day who might need help with something or a bit of encouragement - so I encouraged the children to be brave and see what they could do to help - they might not be able to help but they could get someone else to help.  When we do that I continued we Shine for the inside out - cue for a song.  After the song I finished with a prayer.

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