Thursday, 6 December 2012

Croftlands Junior School

We had an interesting visit to Croftlands today - OFSTED had arrived so our assembly was watched by an inspector.  We started in the usual way with a good morning and the children replied back then we sang Great Big God before moving into our Christmas talk, it was the one we have been doing all week using a length of ribbon which is simple and straight.  Asking the children what Christmas was all about brought the answer - the birth of Jesus which was exactly the answer I was looking for but I said we complicate things and I make the ribbon curl.  Then displaying the word CHRISTMAS I begin to remove some of the letters and talk about the S - people thing that snow and snowmen is what Christmas is about, then the MA - and our mums are so busy getting stuff together for Christmas and washing curtains and buying sprouts which nobody eats, then the T - we get caught up in what colour tinsel we want, and how big the tree is and what size turkey to buy not to mention the toys and other treats we all want.  We are only left now with CHRIS which is what Santa, Father Christmas is called in other countries.  Our CHRISTMAS has been destroyed but we can put it together again and i do the torn and restore routine and a packet of paper falls to the floor which I point at and say oopps but this packet is not what the children think it is because it says Happy Birthday Jesus as I say this I show the restored Christmas page.  Returning to the curly ribbon I then restore that to a simple straight piece saying that Christmas is very straight forward and very simple.  We finished by singing Rejoice With Us before Sarah closed with a prayer.

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