Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Croftlands Junior School

This morning while Sarah was down at Church Walk School I was up on Croftlands taking an assembly there.  Only part of the school was in as the rest were off site swimming.  I started the assembly time by singing So Many Ways to Praise the Lord then went on to tell a story that we have told before feeding the 5000 but I glanced over it very quickly as the main point was what I had to say later.  I asked the children what last Tuesday was - Bonfire night and asked if they had seen any fireworks.  I had with me a party popper and asked what was inside it - lots of good answers came back.  I then displayed a picture of the inside of a party popper and further explain what the bits do.  I also displayed the inside of a firework.  I then let the party popper off - the point was very simple it just takes a small thing to set a big thing off - like the pulling of the string on the party popper or the lighting of the blue touch paper on a firework and both can bring great joy and happiness to people around them.  I linked this to the small boy and his 5 loaves and 2 fish and what an impact that had on so many people.  I tried to demonstrate this by smiling at a few children and they smiled back and then more smiled back - they got wise to it in the end and stopped.  But what we do no matter how small it is can have a big impact on someone's life.  I encouraged  the children to become party poppers for God and do a small thing that would have an even bigger impact.  To close we sang Shine then I said a prayer.

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