Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon I was at Crosthwaite School firstly to do an assembly then BX.  The assembly was the first one for me in their new hall so I was able to use the projector and sing some of our new songs.  So to start with we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  I then told the story of the feeding of the 5000.  I didn't want to spend too long doing it as I wanted to focus on the party popper idea.  I showed a party popper and asked if the children knew what was inside it - the correct answers came back.  I displayed a picture of one on the screen and then showed a picture of a firework.  I explained that it only takes something little/small to have a big impact.  I let the party popper off which brought a bit of a laugh from the children.  I then smiled at a child and she laughed back at me which caused other children to laugh and smile back at me I used that to explain that a simple thing can have such a big impact like the boy with the 5 loaves and 2 fish.  I encouraged and challenged the children to be like party poppers for God by doing something small which might result in a big impact on someone else.  To finish we sang Shine and then I said a prayer.

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