Monday, 31 October 2016

Church Walk Primary School

This morning Sarah and I went along to Church Walk Primary School to do an assembly.  It was great to see all the children again.  We started by singing Be Happy then I went on to display a number of items from my bag which included a life jacket, wet suit, hard hat, cycle helmet, builders gloves, Snow boots etc I did say that they had something in common and when I asked what it is safety came the reply - which is a great answer but not the one I was thinking of - protection was what I was looking for, all the items protect us in some way.  Sarah then read the account of Jesus calming the storm from an Andy Robb book.  I then explained the connection between the items and the story - all the items I had will protect us in some way - but in life there are good times and bad and we say it is a bit like a storm.  I then asked the children who the disciples turned to when they found themselves in the storm - Jesus - they called on him to help them.  I went on to say and we can do that too.  I told them about Grace in a lesson a few weeks ago - things hadn't gone well for her in the lesson before so as she went into the next lesson she asked for help in a short prayer - and then she was answering questions here there and everywhere.  To close off the assembly we introduced a new song My Lighthouse then Sarah closed with a prayer.

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