Monday, 31 October 2016

Pennington School

This afternoon Sarah and I went to Pennington School for the assembly.  After singing Be Happy I started to unpack a bag of items that were all different and yet had something in common.  I had a hard hat, wet suit, ear defenders, cycle helmet, gardening gloves, snow boots etc.  I asked the children what the common thing was - safety someone said which could have been right but I was looking for protection - someone else did get it.  Sarah then read the story of Jesus calming the storm from an Andy Robb book.  The link between the items and the story was simple, all the items can protect us in some way or another but sometimes in life we have ups and downs - it is a bit like a storm - some people call it the storms of life.  When faced with the real storm on the sea the disciples called out to Jesus for help - I encouraged the children to do the same if they say have a test, a music or dance exam, a tricky footie game to play, or are having a few friendship issues.  Sarah told the children about Grace and how she said a short prayer before her lesson a few weeks along and she came out feeling great about it.  To close we sang Wonderful Lord and during the instrumental Sarah prayed.

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