Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon I went over to see the children at Crosthwaite School for the first assembly of the New Year - yes I know it is the last day of February!  It was great to see all the children again as it seems such a long time since I last saw them.  I started the assembly off by singing Be Happy and then I gave the children a choice of two assemblies there was the one about David or one about Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent - they picked that one as today is Shrove Tuesday.  After telling them what the words mean and asking them what the various days are and about what Lent is I told the story of Jesus after he had been baptised going into the wilderness and then after 40 days being tempted by the devil.  As this is what Lent is about and what we think about in the Christian calendar. I then explained that it is OK to get tempted but it is wrong to give in to it.  Jesus resisted each and everyone of the tempts Satan put before him and we should try to do as he did - as that is one way we can Shine out his love from inside of us - oh sounds like a song coming on.  After singing Shine I pointed out the words of the Lords Prayer which is up in the school hall and after I had closed the assembly with a prayer we all said the Lord's Prayer.

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to Low Furness School for the assembly.  We had been given the theme as Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.  So before we started we asked the children to pick a song someone picked Great Big God.  Sarah then asked the children what day it was - Pancake Day came the reply - I had expected that answer so had the words displayed on the screen as they said it, I then asked what other name do we call it - Shrove Tuesday.  I explained a little about pancakes and that Shove Tuesday is old English for forgiveness.  Next I asked if they knew what tomorrow was - Ash Wednesday came the reply.  The children were on fire this morning so I continued to ask questions - what does Ash Wednesday mark the start of - Lent (which again is Old English for Spring).  Last question what is Lent - the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness.  Before I told that story I did a quick recap of Christmas - Jesus is born, Easter Jesus dies on the cross.  Before Jesus started doing what he did he was baptised by John and God spoke to him then he went into the wilderness for 40 days going without food - it was then that Satan the devil tempted him by trying to get him to turn stone into bread, asking him to jump of a tall building, the temple and showing him all the kingdoms of the world and asking Jesus to bow down to him and he would give them to him.  Jesus as we know pushed Satan away after each temptation by quoting scripture to him.  I explained that it isn't wrong to be tempted it is when we give in to it that it becomes wrong.  We all should try and resist temptations as Jesus did.  Sarah then pointed out the words of the Lord's Prayer we are displayed in the hall and she went through it line by line and explaining a little about each line particularly the temptations bit and the sins bit.  After this she closed the assembly with a prayer before all of us saying the Lord's Prayer.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Penny Bridge Academy

This afternoon Sarah and I went to do an assembly at Penny Bridge Academy (it seemed a little strange to us as it is a change of time from morning to afternoon) We didn't start with a song today as we wanted to give the children a Bible base quiz, but before that I showed the children a collection of some of the Bibles I have to perhaps inspire them to read it (it is world book week this week) We then had two teams and did the quiz which was great fun.  After the quiz we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord saying just as there are so many ways to read the Bible we have so many ways to praise God.  After the song Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.

Newton School

This morning Sarah and I went to Newton School to do an assembly.  It was great to see all the children again and to get such a warm welcome from the school.  We started by singing Be Happy, so we jumped up and down and did big actions too.  Sarah then started the talk by showing the children a picture of an acorn and asked the younger ones what it was - Acorn came a loud answer. She then asked what type of tree an acorn grows into - Acorn tree came the answer - which is right technically except we call it an oak tree for some reason.  She then read out a phrase - mighty oaks from little acorns grow - she explained what that means to the children that from a tiny acorn a massive oak can grow.  I then told the story of Samuel anointing God's selected king for his people the Israelites - except he didn't turn out so good so God selected and Samuel anointed another - person, a boy, a little acorn - David to be king.  He grew up to be the greatest king Israel ever had.  Sarah then finished up by talking about what God has put inside of us, in our hearts and we have the potential to do great things even be a prime minister one day.  So we should shine out what God has given us - cue our next song - Shine.  After the song Sarah finished off with a prayer.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Coniston Primary School

This morning Sarah and I went over to Coniston Primary School to do an assembly.  We started by singing Be Happy then I displayed a picture of an acorn and Sarah asked the younger children what it was - they knew it was an acorn and they knew that acorns grow into oak trees too.  Sarah linked this to the phrase mighty oaks from little acorns grow, she explained what that means before handing over to me to tell our story.  We told the children about a little acorn in the Bible and how he was selected by God when he was just a boy, anointed by Samuel to become King David the greatest of all the kings of Israel.  Sarah continued after I had finished, by saying that all the children are like little acorns that will grow and even do great things one day one of them could even be prime minister, she linked this with God can do anything which we sang to finish.  After the song Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

St Mary's Dalton

This morning Sarah and I went to do our first assembly of this year at St Mary's Dalton, it was great to see all the children and staff again after such a long time. We started with Be Happy before I displayed a picture of an acorn on the screen and Sarah asked the younger children what it was - an acorn came the response.  Next Sarah asked them what acorns grow in to - an oak tree was the answer.  Sarah talked a little bit about small acorns that grow into massive oak trees and about a phrase that people often use 'mighty oaks from little acorns grow' she explained what that means as she pointed out that someone in the school could one day be the prime minister of England.  I then told the story with pictures of David being selected by God and anointed by Samuel to be the king of the Israelites.  After the story Sarah conclude the assembly by once again talking about little acorns and mighty oak trees before introducing the next song God can do anything, after the song Sarah closed with a prayer.

Lindel and Marton School

This morning Sarah and I went to do our first assembly of this year at Lindel and Marton School, it seems ages since we were last there, it was great to see all the children again.  We started with Be Happy before I displayed a picture of an acorn on the screen and Sarah asked the younger children what it was - an acorn came the response.  Next Sarah asked them what acorns grow in to - an oak tree was the answer.  Sarah talked a little bit about small acorns that grow into massive oak trees and about a phrase that people often use 'mighty oaks from little acorns grow' she explained what that means as she pointed out that someone in the school could one day be the prime minister of England.  I then told the story with pictures of David being selected by God and anointed by Samuel to be the king of the Israelites.  After the story Sarah conclude the assembly by once again talking about little acorns and mighty oak trees before introducing the next song God can do anything, after the song Sarah closed with a prayer.

Monday, 13 February 2017

Church Walk Primary School

This morning Sarah and I went to Church Walk Primary School it was our first visit of 2017 so it seemed a little strange saying Happy New Year to the children when they break up for half term on Friday... it was great to see all the children though.  We started off with Be Happy before Sarah asked the younger children what the picture was that I had displayed on the screen - it was an acorn.  Next she asked them what acorns grow into - oak trees came the answer.  This led on to Sarah telling them a little phrase that is often used - mighty oaks from little acorns grow - Sarah explained what that means before handing over to me to tell a story.  I told the story of David being anointed as king by Samuel even though he was a little acorn - but grew up to be the greatest king Israel ever had.  Sarah then concluded the assembly by encouraging the children saying that one of them one day might be a future prime minister, God has given us loads of gifts and talents that one day will develop into something great little acorn to mighty oak.  We finished off the assembly with God can do Anything before closing in a prayer.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Leven Valley School

On Thursday I went to Leven Valley, it was our first visit since Christmas and seemed a little strange saying Happy New Year to the children.  We started the assembly with singing Be Happy and I pointed out that there are loads of reasons to be happy.  After that I displayed a picture of an acorn and asked the younger children what it was - an acorn.  I then asked them what acorns grow in to - oak trees.  I then compared the small acorn to the massive oak that grows over many years, and told them this phrase mighty oaks from little acorns grow - I explained what that meant before telling them the story of how David became King David even though he was only a child when God selected him over King Saul and all the rest of David's brothers.  I explained that David was like a little acorn that grow into a mighty oak and was the best king God's people ever had.  I encouraged the children by saying that God had a plan for David and has a plan for them too and one of them could one day be the prime minister or a top scientist or even a pop star or be part of a big boy/girl band.  They might not think it now they could do it but God has given us all gifts and talents and He looks on what we are like inside not on what we look like on the outside.  God can do anything - cue for a song.  After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.

Our Lady's School

On Thursday I went to Our Lady's School in Dalton, it was our first visit since Christmas and seemed a little strange saying Happy New Year to the children.  We started the assembly with singing Be Happy and I pointed out that there are loads of reasons to be happy.  After that I asked the children which tree they thought was the biggest and strongest in the forest - in England.  I had a couple of answers but what I was looking for was the oak tree.  I then asked what is the seed/nut called that grows an oak tree - acorn.  I then compared the small acorn to the massive oak that grows over many years, and told them this phrase mighty oaks from little acorns grow - I explained what that meant before telling them the story of how David became King David even though he was only a child when God selected him over King Saul and all the rest of David's brothers.  I explained that David was like a little acorn that grow into a mighty oak and was the best king God's people ever had.  I encouraged the children by saying that God had a plan for David and has a plan for them too and one of them could one day be the prime minister or a top scientist or even a pop star or be part of a big boy/girl band.  They might not think it now they could do it but God has given us all gifts and talents and He looks on what we are like inside not on what we look like on the outside.  God can do anything - cue for a song.  After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Broughton School

This morning I went to do the assembly at Broughton School, it was our first visit of the New Year and it was so good to see all the children and staff again.  I started the assembly with Be Happy before showing a picture of an acorn and asking what it was, then I asked what does an acorn grow into? - an oak tree.  I then displayed the phrase mighty oaks from little acorns grow and explained what that means.  I told the children that in their school there could be a future prime minister of England or a top scientist.  I then used displayed pictures to tell the story of how David was anointed as a small boy to be king and how God had big plans for him, although he was only a little acorn David when he was king did great things for God's people and was their best ever king.  After the story I encouraged the children with the message that God has great plans for all of us and that God can do anything, anything at all - cue for a song.  After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.

St Peters School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at St Peters School.  We started off the assembly by singing So Many Ways to Praise the Lord, then Sarah introduced the theme of the assembly which was The Bible.  She talked about the different types of Bible that we can get these days before launching into a Bible based quiz on our number board.  So we divided the school into two groups and picked two team captains and off we went.  We had a number of different questions in the quiz from both old and new testaments.  After the quiz the score was 4 all.  We then displayed some of the other ways we can read the Bible using apps before singing Inright Outright to finish the assembly off.  At the end Sarah closed with a prayer.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to Low Furness School for the assembly our theme was The Bible.  So to start us off we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord then Sarah introduced the theme while I got together some props - bibles.  I talked about the various bibles I had taken with me which generated a bit of interest particularly the Minecraft one.  Sarah then introduced a quiz to the children and our number board.  So the school was divided in two and two team captains picked and we played the quiz - all the questions taken from the Bible.  After the quiz we sang My Lighthouse before I closed the assembly with a prayer.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Lindale School

This morning Sarah and I went down to Lindale School to do their assembly.  It was great to see all the children again, it seems so long since we last visited the school.  We started with So Many Ways to Praise the Lord and then I handed over to Sarah to tell the story but she denied she had the story, so I replied no I gave it to you before - we had a little exchange between ourselves before we both said - Awkward Moment just as I displayed the words on the screen.  Then Sarah said feeling a bit red faced and embarrassed as again I displayed a red face with the word embarrassed over it.  Of course this was all planned so as I started to tell the story of Peter denying Jesus I explained it had been staged.  I then recalled some of the events of the Last Supper in particular about Peter saying he would stay with Jesus.  I continued to talk about Jesus being arrested and taken away and Peter following him, and the three different people that spoke to Peter about Jesus and each time Peter saying he didn't know him.  I ended with Peter hearing the cock crow and he went away and wept.  I explained to the children that even though Jesus had told Peter what would happen and that Peter knew that Jesus was someone very, very special with all the teaching and miracles he had done - Peter still denied Jesus - he wasn't strong and courageous.  I said that sometimes we are like Peter and don't stand up for something we should do, but we need to be strong because that is what God wants us to be particularly when we are talking about Him or Jesus or going to church and youth group.  Sarah then said about how we should Shine what's inside us out and  it isn't always necessary to say something we can do things like being kind and compassionate, showing love to each other.  This linked with our final song Shine.  After the song I explained that once Jesus had come back to life, he forgave Peter for what he had done and then on the day Jesus sent His Holy Spirit it was Peter that stood up and talked to the crowd of thousands and told them about Jesus and what He had done and thousand decided to follow Jesus.  This marked the start of the church.  Sarah then closed the assembly with a prayer.