Monday, 30 October 2017

Newton Primary School

This morning Sarah and I went to Newton School for the assembly.  We didn't start with a song as we wanted to do a slightly longer story and finish with Help Me Be Your Eyes Lord Jesus as it fitted with the story.  We did a modern day version of the Good Samaritan.  Instead of a traveller being mugged while on a journey, he was on a train and became ill.  I got half of the children to call out London and the rest Birmingham and when done fast enough it sounds like a train.  Then instead of a Priest and a Levite I had a police officer and a nurse.  The Samaritan was a hip hop star who was doing a rap down the train.  I pointed out where the story came from in the Bible once I had finished telling it and why Jesus told it.  Sarah then picked up the idea of being a good neighbour to people and by neighbour not just the person you live next to but the people we see everyday.  This linked into the song.  After the song Sarah closed with a prayer.

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