Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Croftlands Infant School

On Tuesday Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Croftlands Infant School.  We started with So Many Ways to Praise the Lord.  I then decided to put my coat, hat and gloves on while Sarah asked if I was going home - no I am cold I said my hands are really cold.  I had gloves on and told the children I couldn't decide if I was going to be warmer with mittens on or gloves - so I had one of each on.  This led Sarah to talk about the merits of gloves and mittens for keeping our fingers warm, she discussed this with the children who answered questions about it- telling us what they would do.  The point was that gloves do keep us warm and the fingers work individually to warm up but in a mitten they work together.  We then showed a video clip of penguins in the wild standing together working together to keep warm.  This was the whole idea working together - by now I was very warm so had to take them off.  We used a bible verse from Philippians to emphasise the point further -  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: (Philippians 2:4-5).  Sarah explained what the verse meant and we linked it to the song Shine.  After the song we closed with a prayer.

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