Thursday, 12 March 2020

Flookburgh School

This morning I travelled down to Flookburgh School for the assembly.  I started by asking the children if they were brave - hands went up, I then asked if they were brave all the time - more hands went up!  Finally I asked if they were brave just some of the time this time I put my hand up and explained that I did something last week which was a little scary.  This I continued was linking in with the story I had prepared which is part of the Easter story but first we were going to sing Inright Outright as it reminds us that Jesus cared for us when he died.  After the song I ask if they thought chickens were brave as they played a part in the story - I also said the story had a bit of a long intro.  So I started with the intro and finally got to the story of Peter and the Rooster from the Lost Sheep Series.  As the pictures displayed and as I told the story the children laughed and also sat quietly as the story came to a sad end... I had previously explained that the story was a two part story with part one now and part two after Easter.  Once the story was finished I asked the children how they thought Peter felt during the story - with a little prompting we got sad, angry, up set etc.  I then talked about how he let his friend Jesus down and how we should look out of people as we go about our day who might need help with something or a bit of encouragement - so I encouraged the children to be brave and see what they could do to help - they might not be able to help but they could get someone else to help.  When we do that I continued we Shine for the inside out - cue for a song.  After the song I finished with a prayer.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Croftlands Infant School

This morning I went to do the assembly at Croftlands Infant School.  As the term is drawing towards Easter I wanted to tell part of the Easter story then follow it up after Easter with a second part so leaving today on a cliff hanger.... To start of we sang Inright Outright and I asked the children if they felt brave and if they felt brave all the time - a number of hands went up each time.  I then told the story of Peter and the Rooster from the Lost Sheep Series.  I also mentioned the story had a rather long intro and had chickens in it as well.  The story is about Peter not being so brave as he says that he wasn't a friend of Jesus.  At the end of the story I asked the children how they thought Peter might be feeling so we had several people saying sad but for different reasons, as well as angry and upset.  I then concluded by saying that sometimes we are not brave and we do things that might upset people a bit like Peter did but there are times when we do the right thing and stand up of people and when we do that we Shine from the inside out - cue for a song.  After the song I finished with a short prayer.

Croftlands Junior School

On Monday Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Croftlands Junior School.  As we are on the run up to Easter we had decided to tell a story which is part of the Easter story so we had part 1 of a 2 part story.  The story was about Peter saying that he wasn't a friend of Jesus, we used the Lost Sheep series story called 'Peter and the Rooster'  However before that Sarah asked if anyone was brave, then asked if they were brave all the time - she also asked if they thought chickens were brave because you guessed it the story had chickens in it.  By way of an intro to the theme we sang Inright Outright I then told the story and displayed visuals on the screen as I did so.  After the story Sarah asked about the feelings Peter might have had during this time and linked it into the feelings that we sometimes might have - like we might feel sad, angry, afraid and so on.  Then she asked what the children would do if they saw someone like that would they help or ignore them?  This came round to talking about us doing the right thing unlike Peter who denied that he even knew Jesus and she continued when we do  go out of our way to help people we Shine from the inside out - cue for a song.  After the song Sarah finished with a prayer.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Burlington School

This morning Sarah and I travelled over to Burlington School for the assembly. Sarah started by asking if the children thought they were brave, then asked if they were brave all the time - we had a number of very honest children putting their hands up and down.  Sarah continued to tell the children what we were going to talk about and it so happened that right at the front of the hall was a sign saying 'Be prepared' so introduced the theme of Easter and how people go themselves prepared for Easter.  Then we sang Inright Outright before Sarah introduced the story of Brave Peter - oh did I mention the chickens?  Oh yes they feature in the story too but are they brave?  I then told the story of Peter when he said that he didn't know Jesus using Peter and the Rooster story from the Lost Sheep Series - which had chickens in as well as a rooster - the story ends on a cliff hanger which we will conclude next time we visit...  Sarah then concluded the talk by asking about how Peter felt during this time so we had sad, mad, angry, disappointed etc  She then went on ask what they would do if they saw someone who was feeling a bit down the children offered some very good ideas.  Sarah then said that when we help others when they are feeling a bit low we Shine out Jesus - cue for a song.  After the song Sarah finished with a prayer.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I were over at Crosthwaite school for the assembly.  We started by Sarah asking if the children thought they were brave or if they thought they weren't brave this was to link with the story later.  As we are in the run up to Easter and as our story was part 1 of 2 with the second part coming after Easter we sang Inright Outright.  Sarah then introduced the story Peter the Brave or Peter and the Rooster - oh yes the story had chickens in it too.  I told the story using the visuals from the Lost Sheep series - which is about Peter saying he didn't know Jesus not just the once but three times.  The story ended a bit sad but part 2 is to come after Easter.  Sarah then talked about how Peter might be feeling after what happened and asked the children for their thoughts on it.  She also pointed out that Peter wasn't very honest by saying he didn't know Jesus.  She encouraged the children to be brave and honest and to help people out and that way we shine out Jesus' love - cue for a song. After the song Sarah finished with a prayer.

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Low Furness School.  Sarah started by asking if any of the children were brave and then asked if any of the children were not brave.  She then introduced the story which is part 1 of a story about Easter and part 2 will come after Easter.  It was about Brave Peter (Peter being one of the disciples of Jesus)  The real title of the story was Peter and the Rooster from the Lost Sheep series - or it had chickens in it as well.  The story was about Peter saying that he didn't know who Jesus was not once, not twice but three times.  It was left on a cliff be concluded after Easter....Sarah summed up the story and asked what Peter might have felt like during this time,  She also brought out the fact that Peter wasn't honest and truthful about knowing Jesus (Honesty was the Christian value for this term)  She encouraged the children to be truthful and honest and to not run away from situations but help people this linked into our song Shine.  After the song Sarah finished with a prayer.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Penny Bridge Academy

This afternoon Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Penny Bridge Academy.  Our introduction started by Sarah talking about Easter so we sang to start Inright Outright.  Sarah then asked if the children were brave - this was to link into the story I was about to tell which had Brave Peter in it, or as the story was called Peter and the Rooster from the Lost Sheep series.  The children laughed along as I displayed the pictures and told the story.  Turns out that Peter was a bit of a chicken in the end - or the story had chickens in it as well.  The point was that Brave Peter was not brave at all.  The story was left on a cliff hanger as we will conclude it after Easter.  Sarah then summed up the story by talking about how Peter must have felt during the events of him saying he didn't know who Jesus was.  To finish off we sang Shine as Sarah encouraged the children not to be like Peter and be a chicken and shine out for Jesus.  She then closed with a prayer.

Church Walk Primary School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Church Walk Primary School.  It was great to see all the children and staff again.  As Sarah and I won't be seeing the children now until after Easter we did an assembly about part of the Easter story to be continued.... after Easter.  After singing Inright Outright Sarah introduced the idea of being brave as our Bible story was about Brave Peter who ran away from Jesus after he was arrested and then denied that he knew him 3 times (not so brave!)  We used the Lost Sheep visuals to tell the story which was called Peter and the Rooster.  There was more than just a rooster though as the story had chickens as well (and that wasn't just Peter!).  After the story Sarah summed up by asking the children what they thought Peter's emotions would have been during the story which generated a number of suggestions.  She pointed out that Peter hadn't been honest to either himself or Jesus when he denied knowing who he was.  The story will be concluded with Breakfast on the Beach after Easter.  To finish we sang Shine then I closed with a prayer.