Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Croftlands Infant School

This morning I went to do the assembly at Croftlands Infant School.  As the term is drawing towards Easter I wanted to tell part of the Easter story then follow it up after Easter with a second part so leaving today on a cliff hanger.... To start of we sang Inright Outright and I asked the children if they felt brave and if they felt brave all the time - a number of hands went up each time.  I then told the story of Peter and the Rooster from the Lost Sheep Series.  I also mentioned the story had a rather long intro and had chickens in it as well.  The story is about Peter not being so brave as he says that he wasn't a friend of Jesus.  At the end of the story I asked the children how they thought Peter might be feeling so we had several people saying sad but for different reasons, as well as angry and upset.  I then concluded by saying that sometimes we are not brave and we do things that might upset people a bit like Peter did but there are times when we do the right thing and stand up of people and when we do that we Shine from the inside out - cue for a song.  After the song I finished with a short prayer.

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