Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Low Furness School.  Sarah started by asking if any of the children were brave and then asked if any of the children were not brave.  She then introduced the story which is part 1 of a story about Easter and part 2 will come after Easter.  It was about Brave Peter (Peter being one of the disciples of Jesus)  The real title of the story was Peter and the Rooster from the Lost Sheep series - or it had chickens in it as well.  The story was about Peter saying that he didn't know who Jesus was not once, not twice but three times.  It was left on a cliff hanger...to be concluded after Easter....Sarah summed up the story and asked what Peter might have felt like during this time,  She also brought out the fact that Peter wasn't honest and truthful about knowing Jesus (Honesty was the Christian value for this term)  She encouraged the children to be truthful and honest and to not run away from situations but help people this linked into our song Shine.  After the song Sarah finished with a prayer.

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