Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I were over at Crosthwaite school for the assembly.  We started by Sarah asking if the children thought they were brave or if they thought they weren't brave this was to link with the story later.  As we are in the run up to Easter and as our story was part 1 of 2 with the second part coming after Easter we sang Inright Outright.  Sarah then introduced the story Peter the Brave or Peter and the Rooster - oh yes the story had chickens in it too.  I told the story using the visuals from the Lost Sheep series - which is about Peter saying he didn't know Jesus not just the once but three times.  The story ended a bit sad but part 2 is to come after Easter.  Sarah then talked about how Peter might be feeling after what happened and asked the children for their thoughts on it.  She also pointed out that Peter wasn't very honest by saying he didn't know Jesus.  She encouraged the children to be brave and honest and to help people out and that way we shine out Jesus' love - cue for a song. After the song Sarah finished with a prayer.

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