Monday, 2 March 2020

Penny Bridge Academy

This afternoon Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Penny Bridge Academy.  Our introduction started by Sarah talking about Easter so we sang to start Inright Outright.  Sarah then asked if the children were brave - this was to link into the story I was about to tell which had Brave Peter in it, or as the story was called Peter and the Rooster from the Lost Sheep series.  The children laughed along as I displayed the pictures and told the story.  Turns out that Peter was a bit of a chicken in the end - or the story had chickens in it as well.  The point was that Brave Peter was not brave at all.  The story was left on a cliff hanger as we will conclude it after Easter.  Sarah then summed up the story by talking about how Peter must have felt during the events of him saying he didn't know who Jesus was.  To finish off we sang Shine as Sarah encouraged the children not to be like Peter and be a chicken and shine out for Jesus.  She then closed with a prayer.

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