Thursday 25 September 2014

Our Lady's Dalton

This morning Sarah and I went to Our Lady's in Dalton for the first assembly of the new school year.  As we are nearly at the end of the first month back at school we decided not to do our New Beginnings assembly like we have done in other schools instead we did the assembly on Respect in the Bible.  So after singing Inright Outright Sarah told the story of two priests in the Temple Courts talking about Jesus, this is a story from the bible - Matthew 21:12-16 however a bit of dramatic licence has been used to draw out the points.  After the story I read the actually passage from the bible.  Sarah than asked which of the characters in the story showed the most respect it was of course everyone except the priests.  This led on to me talking about other bible passages that have respect in them - like the 10 commandments.  I displayed them on the screen then went through just 7 of them that show respect that the children would understand.  Following this we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord.  Sarah then closed with a prayer.

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