Tuesday 20 October 2015

Croftlands Infants School

This morning Sarah and I went with Lisa Smith to do the assembly for Operation Christmas Child at Croftlands Infants School.  After singing God's Love is Bigger than a Burger, Lisa showed the SKY tv ad which uses the characters from the movie Inside Out.  They all live inside a little girls head - there are things like joy, disgust, sadness, anger etc, they are trying to help the girl do some homework but the internet is down.  Lisa linked these emotions to us by asking if we ever feel like this.  She continued that with things happening in the world today it might be that we feel some of them now.  But there was joy and she made things better.  When we fill a shoe box we can help to change a persons emotions from something not good to joy.  I then explained about what to fill a shoe box with and then what happens to it once it is handed in.  Sarah then asked the children if they would like to see a video of children opening their boxes so we played Love in a Box.  Then Sarah close with a prayer.

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