Tuesday 5 December 2017

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I went to do our Christmas assembly at Crosthwaite School.  To start the assembly off we sang Be Happy.  Sarah then asked the children about this time of year, and what the children thought it was all about.  The children knew that it was Christmas time and they said other things like eating good food, seeing Father Christmas, spending time with family, opening presents and even the birth of Jesus.  We then showed them the Bible Society video for this year, which a number of them had already seen at the Christmas Experience at the church.   After the video Sarah continued to talk about Christmas and said that if you take the mas of the end of Christmas then it leaves you with Christ and without Jesus there would be no Christmas - this came as a bit of a shock for some children.  Sarah asked the children to remember on Christmas morning in the middle of opening their presents to not only thank the people that gave them the presents but to thank God for Jesus also.  I then continued by saying that because of Jesus we can celebrate and we sang our Christmas song - Rejoice With Us.  After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.

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