Friday 8 December 2017

Leven Valley School

On Thursday Sarah and I went down to Leven Valley School to do our Christmas assembly.  We started with Be Happy and then Sarah asked the children about the time of year.  This led into a talk about Christmas and what the best bits are.  The children came up with some good suggestions from Father Christmas to roast turkey, presents to seeing family and loads more too.  We then showed the children the Bible Society Christmas video for this year.  It tells the Christmas story with all the main characters in a 'Going on a Bear Hunt' style which the children enjoy.  After the video Sarah continued to talk about Christmas and told the children that if it wasn't for Jesus then there would be no Christmas - shocked faced from the children.  I then introduced our Christmas song Rejoice With Us.  Following the song I reminded the children what Sarah had said and asked them to stop and pause when they are rushing about here, there and everywhere before Christmas and to think about why we are doing it - God's gift to the world Jesus.  I then closed the assembly with a prayer.

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