Thursday, 8 March 2012

Our Lady's Dalton

This morning we took the assembly at Our Lady's in Dalton. The children were very excited to see us as we sang Inright Outright to begin with. Then using the Big Ministries Book Sarah told the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. But in the story are several words which the children needed to respond to with actions. So whenever small was mentioned the children had to put their finger and thumb very close to each other, whenever big was said they had to put their arms out wide, when the word noisy came up they had to make some noise, if the word hungry was said they rubbed their tummies and looked hungry, when Sarah said fish they needed to open and close their mouths like fish and when bread was said they pretended to cut bread. The children performed brilliantly as they listened to the story. At the end I explained a little about the story to the children - yes it was a miracle but Jesus had wanted to be alone with his disciples following the death of John the Baptist. When the large crowd followed him he show them compassion as he healed the sick and greeted those who wanted to meet him and told them stories until it was too late to send them home and then the miracle happened. I encouraged the children to be like Jesus and go that extra mile to help those that need it and to do it even when we are tired. We sang Be Happy and closed with a prayer.

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