Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Broughton School

This morning Sarah and I were also at Broughton School for their assembly.  We decided to do the assembly on the theme of friends and friendship.  So after singing So Many Ways I retold the story from Mark 2:1-12 of Jesus healing the man that was lowered through the roof to Jesus' feet.  I used my square to cross prop to tell the story moving it as I told the story into different shapes.  After the story Sarah explained that without the friends of the paralysed man helping him he would never have seen Jesus and therefore never have been healed.  They needed to do a lot in order to help him even get to Jesus.  She encouraged the children to be just like the four friends.  Then she asked them all to stand up and on the count of three they were to move around and shake the hand of a person who was a good friend to them and say thank you for being my friend.  Then we sang Shine and Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.

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