Monday, 10 November 2014

Chruch Walk

This morning Sarah and I went to Church Walk Primary School for the assembly.  After singing Be Happy Sarah asked two girls to come out that are very good friends.  I needed to explain to one girl what was going to happen while I did this Sarah talked with the other girl about friendship.  I then gave the girl with me a chocolate bar and sent her to sit with her friend and the shared the bar between them.  Meanwhile I went and got a bucket with cleaning things in it and a toilet brush and explained that the girl that was with me had agreed to help to clean the toilets after they had finished the chocolate bar so I asked her friend if she would like to join her and help - NO came the answer.  So Sarah explained that she was happy to share the good things like the chocolate but not the bad things like cleaning the toilet.  Sarah then told the story of Naomi and Ruth and how they went through good happy times and bad not so happy times yet they always stayed together.  I then asked the children to stand and shake hands with someone who is their friend and to say thank you for being my friend.  Following this we sang God can do anything and Sarah closed with a prayer.

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