Monday, 24 November 2014

Penny Bridge School

This morning Sarah and I went over to see the children at Penny Bridge School and to take their assembly.  We decided to do the friendship assembly that we have been doing this month in our other schools.  So to start off the assembly we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord then we called out two friends and to one I gave them some chocolate while the other sat and chatted to Sarah.  Then they shared the chocolate which was a good thing to do then I reminded the girl with the chocolate that she had to clean the toilets after the assembly and as I pull out the various cleaning materials the children laughed while the girl took everything I was saying on board.  The catch came when I asked her friend the one who she had shared the chocolate with if she would like to help too - I got a big YES from her.  Sarah explained that good friends stick with each other through good as well as bad times she then told the Ruth and Naomi story and afterwards recapped what good true friends do for each other.  We then got the children to stand up and shake the hand of a friend and say thank you to them for being a friend.  To close we sang Shine then Sarah said a prayer.

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