Monday, 3 November 2014

Pennington School

This morning Sarah and I went to Pennington School to do an assembly.  We didn't start with a song as we wanted to end with So Many Ways to Praise the Lord after we had done our story and talk.  Sarah retold the story of Jesus clearing the temple from Matthew 21:12-16.  It was a dramatized version of the events which added to the theme of the assembly which was Respect.  Each time the word respect was mentioned the children had to put up their thumb and bow it down.  After the story Sarah asked the children who in the story had shown respect - Jesus and the children had and who hadn't shown respect - the priests, I read the actually passage from the bible then talked about respect in the bible by showing the children the ten commandments.  I didn't read them all but I pointed out that 4 of the commandments are to do with respecting God and the other 6 respecting each other.  I then explained a few of the commandments to the children as to what they mean to us today.  After this Sarah linked back to the story and reminded the children that in the story the children danced and sang in the temple area and praised Jesus/God so this went with the song So Many Ways.  after the song I close the assembly with a prayer.

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