Thursday, 23 October 2014

Leven Valley School

This morning Sarah and I went over to Leven Valley School for an assembly.  After singing God's Love is Bigger than a Burger Sarah asked for a small snack to eat before lunch, so I gave her a Satsuma.  She started to peel it and asked if anyone wanted to share it with her and a young lad came out to help, then as she ate the first piece saying how great it was she gave him the peel!  This brought a laugh and some comments from the children about what she had done.  Sarah look surprised at their reaction and repeated to them that she was sharing with the boy.  She then corrected her self and said that it wasn't the best bit and gave the boy the rest to eat.  The point was made that whenever we share things with other people we should share the best bits.  I then read and added my own bits as well the story from the Lion Storyteller Bible of the feeding of the 5000.  Following the story Sarah summed up what had happened saying that the boy shared what little he had and God used it through Jesus to feed a huge number of people and we to can be like that in sharing what little we have with other people.  Then she said when we do that we Shine from the inside out which cued us for the next song.  Following the song Sarah prayed and then as we had a bit of time left we sang God can do anything.

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