Monday 6 October 2014

Pennington School

After the assembly at Church Walk I went up to Pennington School to do it again.  Lisa Smith joined me for this assembly.  So after singing God's Love is Bigger than a Burger Lisa talked about sharing and used a banana to explain.  She asked for a helper who liked banana's and said that she would share the banana with them so Lisa took a bit and gave the skin to the helper.  After all it was a bit of the banana - not the good bit though.  The helper did go away with some banana.  Lisa used this to explain that we should share good things with each other and talked about how the children can do that by helping to fill a shoe box.  One of our boxes had the word love inside it so Lisa said that we can share love when we fill the boxes as God loves us so much.  I then went on to show what happens to the shoe box once the children have filled it and showed pictures of places the boxes go to before closing the assembly with a prayer.

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