Thursday, 23 October 2014

Our Lady's OCC assembly

This morning Sarah and I went into Our Lady's School to do an Operation Christmas Child assembly.  To start off the assembly we all sang God's love is Bigger than a Burger then I told the children that as I had been rushing about all morning I needed a mid morning snack and started to peel a Satsuma.  I did however offer to share it with someone and invited a girl out to share it with.  Having peeled it I took a piece commented on how lovely it was and promptly gave her the peel!  Much to her surprise and the amusement of the school.  I then sent the girl back to her place with some of the Satsuma.  At this point Sarah took over and explained that the fact that I wanted to share something was good but what I shared wasn't good, it was after all the bit I didn't want.  This then led to talking about sharing good things with other people like when we fill a shoe box full of goodies.  Sarah also talked about how nice it is to get presents at various times of the year and yet there are children than don't get anything.  I opened up a shoe box and lifted out the word LOVE and explained that when you fill a shoe box what you are really doing is filling it with love.  I then went through a power point showing what happens to a shoe box finishing by showing all the places boxes go to and how many we sent last year then I say a huge THANK YOU to the children.  Following this Sarah links to the song Shine in that we shine out love when we get involved with filling shoe boxes.  After the song Sarah close off the assembly with a prayer.

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