Tuesday 21 October 2014

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon I went over to Crosthwaite School to do an assembly.  Sarah decided to stay home due to the bad weather.  After saying hello and explaining that Sarah was at home we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  I then excused myself to the children as I took out a Satsuma and started to peel it ready to eat it.  I explained that I hadn't finished my lunch, I did offer to share it with someone and a little boy came out so I gave him the peel, which sparked a laugh from the rest of the children.  I did eventually share half of it with him.  I then explained my actions saying that it is good to share but when we do we should share the good bits not just the leftover rubbish bits.  I then retold the feeding of the 5000 story to them from the Lion Storyteller Bible.  after the story I encouraged the children to share like the boy had done in the story and as a result all the people got blessed because of it.  I did also point out that this was a miracle and that God can do Anything which brought us into a second song.  Following the song I closed the assembly with a short prayer.

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