Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Broughton School

This morning Sarah and I went to Broughton School for the assembly.  After singing So Many Ways to Praise the Lord I pulled a teaspoon out of my pocket and said that today I was going to talk about a teaspoon in the assembly - but not yet.  I then asked the children how they would show love to someone and several answers came back in reply form doing acts of kindness, to sending a card, to giving a hug loads of great answers.  I then asked how do we tell God we love him - the hands went up again and the first answer came out - by praying to him.  I then said that I was going to talk about how we can pray to God using a teaspoon - but not yet.  I talked about prayer and how people pray and where people pray and each one is good and that there is not real right or wrong way to pray or right and wrong place to pray in.  I then took out the teaspoon again and asked what letters we use to shorten the word teaspoon in a cook book - tsp was the answer given.  So I said that using the letters tsp I would teach them a way to pray.  the t is to say thank you to God for all that he gives to us, the s is to say sorry for all the wrong things we have done or the right things we have not done and the p is for please a chance to ask God for things (I did point out that it doesn't mean asking for loads of presents at Christmas).  So I encouraged the children to think about that the next time the use a teaspoon.  To finish off the assembly we sang May the God of Hope and Sarah then finished with a prayer using the tsp idea.

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