Monday, 23 November 2015

Church Walk Primary School

This morning I went along to Church Walk Primary School for the assembly.  After thanking the children for their shoe boxes and telling them how many we sent away we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord.  Then I told them that this morning I was going to use a teaspoon for the assembly but not just yet and put it away again.  I asked the children how they tell someone or show someone they loved them.  Loads of great answers came back from the children I then asked how do we tell God we love him - prayer was the answer I was looking for.  I talked a little about prayer and how Jesus' disciples even asked him how to pray and what we now have is the Lord's Prayer.  I then took out my teaspoon and said that I was going to use it to teach the children a way they could pray.  I asked if any of them cooked or baked loads of hands went up, I then asked if they knew what letters are used to shorten the word teaspoon in a recipe or cook book - tsp.  So using these letters the t - to say thank you to God for the great things he gives to us, the wonder of creation and to praise him, the s to say sorry to him for the wrong we have done as well as the right we have not done, then the p to say please and ask God for something.  I then did a quick example of a prayer by saying thank you God for what you give me, sorry for what I did wrong and please can I have loads of toys - it got a little laugh I did say that asking for things like that was not what I was meaning, the please was to ask God for help with something, or pray for someone who is ill.  I went on to say that we can pray at any time and in any place.  To finish off we sang I Love You and I then said a tsp prayer.

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