Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I did the assembly at Low Furness School, the theme was Peace and Remembrance.  After singing Inright Outright Sarah introduced the theme and referred back to last weeks assembly we did with Jelly Babies on Peace.  She then asked the children what they do to remember things, I had put together some pictures like a smart phone, pen and paper, knotted hankie, diary etc as things we use to help us remember.  Sarah then linked the assembly from yesterday when communion was discussed and how in a service we offer the sign of the Peace to each other.  I then displayed some other pictures like a rainbow, the words could, would, should and because and explained that we put a rhyme to these to help us remember.  I then displayed the word Peace and gave one possible way to remember it which was please eat apple crumble everyday. Which is fine but what about putting something together to help us remember what peace is so we had this People Everywhere Acting Civilised Evermore.  I then reminded the children about the things we use to remember then slowly faded in a poppy, and   pointed out that the leaf was pointing to a particular place 11 o'clock which reminds us that at 11 o'clock on the 11th day of the 11th month the guns fell silent bringing world war 1 to a close.  We finished the assembly by singing May the God of Hope and during the instrumental part Sarah said a prayer.

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