Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to Low Furness School the assembly theme was Peace.  To start off the assembly we sang God can do anything, I then opened a packet of Jelly Babies and asked the children what flavours they liked as I went through each one.  I then explained that Jelly Babies were first introduced in 1918 as 'Peace Babies' a sort of pick me up and good feeling thing to have once the war was over.  Then after a short break in production for the second world war they reappeared as Jelly Babies.  In 1989 they were all given names and characters, Sarah then explained what these were.  She then asked the question what makes them peace babies now?  well it is because they are all different, look different, do different things and have different things with them.  If they are all the same that would be no fun as it would be all the same taste.  It reminds us that we are all different too and that like the Jelly Babies work together.  This is how we should be as this is what makes for peace.  Peace is enjoyed when people of different ages, interests and appearances live together in harmony. Sarah also read out a bible verse from Matthew 'Happy are those who work for peace: God will call them his children!' (Matthew 5.9, Good News Bible) Sarah then asked what we can do to bring about peace within our school, our lives etc.  We then sang May the God of Hope before Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.

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