Thursday, 19 November 2015

Leven Valley School

Just before lunch I was at Leven Valley School for their assembly.  After singing Inright Outright I introduced the assembly idea Peace and Remembrance - I did explain that over the last few days we have done this assembly a few times and I felt it was right for today in the light of what has happen recently in our world.  As I started to talk about things that help us to remember I displayed them on the screen finishing with a picture of a cup and some bread, I explained that each Sunday people meet together in churches and remember what Jesus did for us.  I moved on to display some other ways people remember things when the use a sentence in for the colours of the rainbow, or to spell out a word like because for example.  I then displayed the word PEACE and explained that I wanted the children to a) learn how to spell it and b) learn what the word means.  I came up with this PEACE People Everywhere Acting Christ-like Evermore.  I did explain what Christ-like means by asking the children to give me examples of Jesus.  To close the assembly we sang May the God of Hope and I closed with a prayer.

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