Thursday, 3 December 2015

Flookburgh School

This morning Sarah and I went down to Flookburgh School for the assembly.  It was good to see all the children and staff again - there was a great Christmas feel about the place too as the hall was all decorated which made our assembly even better as we were talking about Christmas.  To start we sang Inright Outright then I drew the children's attention to some Christmas parcels with letters of them.  I asked if anyone could tell what the letters spelt - Christmas.  I asked 9 children to come up and hold a box each then going down the line asked the school if they could think of something to do with Christmas for each letter - candles, holly etc down the line.  I then asked them to remove the lid of the box and look inside - on each lid was a word - some big some small but it didn't make sense.  Sarah then got the children arranged into the right order by moving their position each time I read the sentence until finally we got it - it was Luke 2:11 Today a saviour has been born to you.  After the children had sat down Sarah started to talk about this word saviour asking what it means, and talking about why we celebrate Christmas - the birth of our saviour Jesus.  She linked what she was saying back to the song Inright Outright.  She explained that it is because of Jesus the greatest gift of all that we rejoice at Christmas because without him there would be no Christmas at all.  To close we sang Rejoice with us this Christmas.  Sarah then asked a child to read out a prayer then she closed with a second prayer.

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