Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Lindale School

This morning I went down to Lindale School for the assembly.  I was unsure if I would get there as just before I set off we had a fall of snow - big snow flakes were falling and it was sticking on the ground.  I got there.  To start of the assembly I explained about the snow and also about the great sunshine we have had too just recently (only a little bit though) which makes me happy so to start we sang Be Happy which was a new one for the children.  After that I told the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus and to do it I used the Bob Hartman book.  He came up with a great way of story telling in that you repeat each line 3 times but change the expression each time.  There is also a response word at the end of each line for the children to do an action to or repeat the word.  After the story I asked the children what Peter had done someone said they believed Jesus which was a great answer, then someone else said trusted him.  I explained that sometimes we need to move on from something we feel safe and secure with to something we are not so sure about.  Peter knew his boat very well he had been a fisherman all his life and he felt safe in it - so to step out of it onto the water - well that was something he was not so sure about.  Some of the children had been to Young Voices in Manchester on Monday so I asked did they feel a bit frightened by it - hands went up.  Also the year 6 children found out yesterday which secondary school they will be going to which is a bit scary too. I encouraged the children to trust in Jesus and if like Peter we start to sink then he will be there to help them up.  To finish off we sang Shine and I then closed with a prayer.

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