Thursday, 26 January 2017

Flookburgh Primary School

This morning I went to do the first assembly of 2017 at Flookburgh Primary School.  I started by asking if the younger children knew what I had displayed on the screen - it was a couple of acorns.  So I then asked if they knew what acorns grew into - trees was the answer - yes but what type of tree, the older children gave me the answer - oak trees.  I then asked if they had heard the phrase mighty oaks from little acorns grow - they hadn't so I explained it to them.  I then told the story of David as he was anointed as king of Israel.  Afterwards I explained that all the children are a bit like little acorns and that like David in the story God has big plans for them.  I even said that someone in the room might one day be the prime minister of England or a top scientist or even a famous pop star or actor.  I reminded the little that from little acorns big things grow, I asked how they thought David might have felt when he found out he was going to be king, the children gave lots of very good answers.  I told the children that God can do anything at all which was a cue for the song God can do anything.  After the song I said a short prayer to finish the assembly.

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