Monday, 23 January 2017

Newton School

This morning Sarah and I went to Newton School for the assembly.  It has been a little while since we visited the school and so it was great to see all the children again.  We started the assembly with God's Love is Bigger than a Burger before Sarah told the children about her cat Millie.  Sarah had got Millie when she lived alone and it was a bit of company for her when she got home from work.  One day Millie got up on to Sarah's knee sat down and made herself comfy then jumped off her knee and did a massive poo in the corner of the room before wanting to settle back down on Sarah's knee expecting Sarah to love her again.  As Sarah though about it later we are a bit like that with God we don't poo in the corner but we do make a mess of things at times and expect God to continue loving us.  I then told the story of the Prodigal Son, explaining that it was a story Jesus told and that the father couldn't wait to hug his son again when he returned home - just like God is with us.  I went on to say that it why God sent Jesus to earth and that is why he died on a cross.  To finish we sang Inright Outright as it talks about what Jesus did for us.  We closed the assembly with a prayer.

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