Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I went over to Crosthwaite School for the assembly.  After singing Inright Outright which links back to Easter I did a recap of our last assembly plus the events of Easter.  I told the story showing some pictures as I did so about what happened at Pentecost.  Afterwards I got a sheet of laminate which I had painted brown and a sponge and tried to clean off the paint - it didn't work.  So I soaked it in water and when I lifted it out I asked the children did it look any different - no was the answer.  Now I could clean the paint off.  I explained that the water inside the sponge enabled the sponge to do the job it was intended to do.  Just like the Holy Spirit filling up and soaking into Christians enables them to do what Jesus intended for us to do - tell people about him - just as Peter did on the day of Pentecost.  Sarah then continued to explain that Peter was shinning from the inside out.  Cue for a song.  After the song Sarah finished with a prayer. 

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went along to Low Furness School for the assembly.  The theme for today was Pentecost.  After singing Inright Outright which links back to Easter I did a recap of our last assembly plus the events of Easter.  I told the story showing some pictures as I did so about what happened at Pentecost.  Afterwards I got a sheet of laminate which I had painted brown and a sponge and tried to clean off the paint - it didn't work.  So I soaked it in water and when I lifted it out I asked the children did it look any different - no was the answer.  Now I could clean the paint off.  I explained that the water inside the sponge enabled the sponge to do the job it was intended to do.  Just like the Holy Spirit filling up and soaking into Christians enables them to do what Jesus intended for us to do - tell people about him - just as Peter did on the day of Pentecost.  Sarah then continued to explain that Peter was shinning from the inside out.  Cue for a song.  After the song Sarah finished with a prayer. 

Monday, 21 May 2018

Church Walk Primary School

This morning I went to do the assembly at Church Walk Primary School.  As it was Pentecost yesterday I decided to talk about what that is and what it means.  I started with Inright Outright as a way to refer back to Easter, I did a recap of our last assembly with Jesus asking Peter to look after the disciples.  I then told the Pentecost story using some visuals on the screen.  Then I took a sponge and a dirty laminate sheet and explained that the dry sponge can't do it's job and clean the laminate it needs something else to help it.  I then put the sponge into a bucket of water and lifted it out explaining that it looks no different but now it can clean the laminate sheet.  I went on to say we can't see the Holy Spirit but he is there enabling us to do the things Jesus wants us to do such as telling people about him and God and how much we are loved.  To finish we sang Shine I then pointed out that God knows me, he loves us, he fills us and sends us (words of the chorus) I then finished with a prayer.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Leven Valley School

This morning I went down to do the assembly at Leven Valley School.  It was great to see all the children again we haven't seen them since before Easter.  I started by asking if they had had a good Easter holiday and if anyone had been away.  I said this because whenever we go away as a family our girls always ask if we are stopping off on the way - why? well if we go Premier Inn - eat as much as you like breakfast.  This led on to me asking if any of the children had eaten breakfast in an unusual or strange place - I gave some examples first.  All of this was an intro to the story of the breakfast on the beach which is found in John's Gospel.  I did a quick recap of the events of Easter before I started.  In the story Peter is asked three times by Jesus if he loves him and each time Peter says yes - we need to remember that only a short while before Peter had said three times he didn't know Jesus.  Here was Jesus forgiving him and also asking him to lead the disciples which he did.  Peter I said also went on to tell thousands of people about Jesus which started the church.  He was now shining out for Jesus from the inside out - cue song.  After the song I said a short prayer.

St Mary's RC

This morning I went and did the assembly at St Mary's RC Ulverston.  It was good to see all the children again after such a long time we last saw them before Easter.  I started by asking who went away at Easter, I explained that whenever we go away our children ask if we will be staying over somewhere on the way.  They like Premier Inn as you get eat as much as you like breakfast!  I then talked about unusual places people eat breakfast and gave some examples before I asked one or two children for their unusual place.  I finished off by asking if anyone had eaten breakfast on the beach, cooked on an open fire and what is fish!  This linked to the story of the breakfast on the beach story found in John's Gospel.  I did a quick recap of the events of Easter before I told the story.  Afterwards I explained that although Peter had said three times he didn't know Jesus, Jesus was here forgiving him.  I pointed out that is what Jesus came to do and he will forgive all of us the things we do wrong if we ask him.  Jesus also went on to ask Peter to take care of his disciples which Peter did.  I also linked in to today as it is Accession Day a day when we think of Jesus going back up into heaven.  I also mention the even that happened 10 days later Pentecost and how Peter stood up and told thousands of people about Jesus and than the church started.  Peter I said was shining from the inside out - cue for a song.  After singing Shine I said a short prayer to finish.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Dalton St Marys

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Dalton St Marys.  It was great to see all the children and staff again - it seems like ages since we last visited the school.  Sarah started the assembly by asking the children if they had gone away for Easter.  She explained that when we go away we sometimes stay over on the way in a Premier Inn - why eat as much as you like breakfast.  This led into asking the children if they had ever had breakfast in an unusual place - we gave them some ideas to start them off. Sarah then explained that today's story was about a breakfast on a beach.  I then told the story of Peter and Jesus having breakfast on the beach with the disciples and afterwards Jesus asking Peter if he loved him, not once but three times.  This I explained was Jesus forgiving Peter for the three times he had said he didn't know Jesus.  Jesus went on to ask Peter to look after the disciples which he did - he also started the church.  Sarah explained that Peter had been forgiven and was sorry for what he had done and now he could shine from the inside out.  After the song Sarah finished the assembly with a prayer and then encouraged the children with the Lord's Prayer.

Lindal and Marton School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Lindal and Marton School.  It seems such a long time since we had seen the children (before Easter)  We started with Be Happy before Sarah talked about Easter holidays and asked who had been away - hands went up.  She explained that when we go away our girls always ask if we are staying over on the way at Premier Inn - why?  Eat as much as you like breakfast.  Sarah then asked if any of the children had had breakfast in a strange or unusual place we gave some examples.  This led into the breakfast on the beach story from John's Gospel.  After the story I explained that Jesus forgave Peter for what he had done and was now asking him to look after the disciples - I also explained that Peter went onto start the church.  Sarah picked up the forgiveness theme and explained that what Peter did afterwards was to shine from the inside out - cue for a song.  After the song Sarah finished with a prayer.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Millom Funday

Martha and I had a great time today over at Millom for the annual churches funday.  I did three different shows with both magic and story telling, Martha helped out during the first show as Susie made an appearance asking what the Bible is all about and what's in it.  This led onto a number of stories from the Bible some of which had a magical touch to them.  Lots of children, their parents and grandparents were there making it a very enjoyable event.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Coniston Primary School

This morning I went to do the assembly at Coniston Primary School.  It was good to see all the children again after the Easter break.  I asked the children if they had been away on holiday and I explained that we as a family had been away and that whenever we do go away our children ask if we are stopping on the way overnight.  The reason is they like Premier Inn breakfasts - eat as much as you like.  I then asked the children were the most unusual place as that they had had breakfast - I got some great answers.  I asked if anyone had had breakfast on the beach - hands went up, with an open fire - few hands stayed up and had fish - a few hands stayed up.  This linked in to the story for today Breakfast on the Beach.  I reminded the children that Peter had said three times he didn't know Jesus before Jesus was crucified on the cross and Peter was now feeling a little sad. I started the story as Peter sat on the beach before going off to fish.  At the end I pointed out that even though Peter had let Jesus down more than once Jesus was able to forgive him - and Peter went on to start the church.  Jesus gave Peter a second chance and he does the same for us but not just a second but a third and a fourth and a fifth and so on.  Peter was able to Shine from the inside out because of what Jesus had done - cue for a song.  After the song I finished off with a prayer.