Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Broughton School

We travelled over to Broughton for their assembly yesterday.  It was a great drive as we went over we could see the beauty of God's creation all around us.  We sang God Can do Anything as our first song.  I then went on to search for the lost treasure of Blue Beard.  I paced about the hall before stopping right in the middle of the children.  I had paced, check my compass and now was ready with my metal detecting equipment and ... I got a trace.  The excitement of the children grew as the detector went beep, beep, beep.  I asked for my spade when Sarah stopped me to read a passage from the Matthew 13:44-46 about treasure on earth.  She pointed out to the children that I was just telling a story and that there was no treasure under their hall floor.  She went on to explain what the bible passage meant.  Jesus was talking in parables and the treasure was him and what our life will be like with him in heaven.  She encouraged the children to think about how they can follow Jesus' example and do all they can to become followers of Jesus.  To end the assembly we sang Be Happy as it talks about running this race - the race is our life.  Then I closed with a prayer.

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