Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I made our last visit for the year to Crosthwaite School.  We decided to do our Christmas assembly but to start with we sang My Lighthouse because last time we were at the school someone asked us about singing it.  We then showed the Christmas story video/poem which tells the story of the birth of Jesus and has a repeating line that says he turned sad into glad.  After the video I made a few remarks about this phrase and asked what makes our world bad - the children responded very well with things like war/fighting - falling out - destroying the woodlands - people who flea because of war - the lack of food.  I then explained that Jesus came into the world to help change that, he lived his life in a perfect way showing love and kindness to everyone he met even washing the feet of his disciples!  This is how he started to turn bad to glad.  It is why we celebrate at Christmas with such joy because it is the birth of Jesus.  I explained that without Jesus there would be now Christmas.  Sarah then introduced our Christmas song Rejoice with US.  After the song she closed the assembly with a prayer.

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