Tuesday 24 March 2015

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to Low Furness School for the assembly.  Our theme was Palm Sunday.  So to start of we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord and in the chorus part instead of saying I Love You we shouted Hosanna.  Then Sarah asked if anyone had ever been in a large crowd, a few children gave their thoughts on what it was like, then she asked them to close their eyes as I played a crowd noise which I made go louder and louder.  Then I told the story of Jesus on what we call Palm Sunday, I mentioned that this was the start of Jesus' final week on earth and talked a little about the other events of the week - the last supper, Good Friday and then Easter Day.  Sarah reminded the children what Easter is all about before we sang Inright Outright as it talks about Jesus cares for me when he died on Calvary.  Sarah then closed with a prayer.

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